You can learn more from our Frequently asked questions​

For any inquiries relating to your diagnostic needs feel free to speak to us personally by calling us during business hours.

In most cases you are not able to “self-refer” for radiology examinations. General Practitioners (GPs), Specialists, Midwives, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors and Dentists are some of the people who can request an examination if necessary.

Exam to exam variations exist in this. You can get assistance with this from the Reception staff when you schedule your appointment. Ultrasound examinations take approximately 30 minutes, while plain X-ray exams typically take 15 to 20 minutes.

It is acceptable for you to bring a companion. This is especially beneficial if you need assistance getting dressed and is a good source of moral support. You might prefer to have someone drive you home after a few exams.

They will have to wait in the waiting room, though, while the x-rays are being taken. We ask that you limit the number of friends and family you bring to four if you are having an ultrasound. If not, the ultrasonic room may become claustrophobic and extremely noisy.

No. You do not need an appointment for an X-Ray at our facility, it is a walk-in procedure. However, you can decide to place a call to book if you are not sure of what services we provide and to know what time to come for it.

Sound waves, not radiation, are used in ultrasound. Since ultrasound has been used for over 40 years, there is no known risk to the mother or the unborn child.

You are expected to bring any relevant X-ray films, ultrasound scans, related to the area that needs to be imaged today, along with your request form (unless you have already dropped it off or your referrer has already sent it).

Still having any inquiry for solutions?

For any inquiries relating to  your diagnostic needs feel free to speak to us personally by calling us during business hours.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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